Friday, October 10, 2008

Autumn in New York...

Feel free to put the Billie Holiday Record on as you peruse these pics from our glorious day in the greatest park ever created by mankind.

Our Baby New Yorker

There is actually a pretty funny story behind our trip to Strawberry Fields. We'd been there before, years ago but really wanted to go back because its such a special place and because Sully had never been. (for those of you who don't know what this place is, its an area of Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon and his desire to have peace on earth. After his murder, Yoko had this section of the park renovated and a memorial to John Lennon was created where dirty smelly hippies have been laying flowers ever since) Today was our 3rd attempt at finding it, because Central Park is a wonderful maze of meandering paths that make no sense and there are no maps or signs anywhere, plenty of landmarks and other navigational tools, sure, but not for novices like us. So today we set out certain we would find it, and sure enough, it was easy as pie, especially if you get off the subway directly across the street...

This rock was deposited during the last Ice Age and hasn't moved since, it sits on a bed of lava. naturally, Sully thought it was the perfect object to run around at full speed.

The Accordion Player played Old McDonald's Farm, to Sully's delight

This was a weeping willow that we drove Sully's stroller into. When Mike backed Sully out, he waved at me and said "Bye!"

The Dakota building, John & Yoko's love shack.

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