Sunday, August 24, 2008

Epic Yard Sale = Epic Bust

Well folks, the economy is officially in the crapper, we had the world's worst yard sale this weekend. Despite copious amounts of quality merchandise at insane low prices we only earned about $200! People just weren't parting with any of their cash.

So it goes. The thrift store will be thrilled with the bounty of goods we abandonded outside of their door and we move on to phase II, packing our actual stuff.

Trailer gets picked up Wednesday, and knowing Mike and I, will be loaded by Thursday afternoon, giving us a few days to do absolutly nothing before hitting the road.

We intend to blog from the road, so stay tuned!

Team Solis out

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

I'm SO sad you guys are leaving...I can't wait to see your blog on your road trip. Thank you so much for the bookshelf its already given me so much extra room through out my place. I hope we can make it up to NY Im really glad i met you guys we will definitely be staying in touch!