Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chuey, Pterodactyls, Bananas, School Learnin' and Extreme Sleep Deprivation

Greetings from the end of another week in the lives of Team Solis.  I feel as though I'm getting fairly redundant so from here on out you can imagine I have said the following:  This week was crazy, busy, a doosey, exhausting, etc.  This week has also had the extra benefit of a baby who can't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time and a Jen who does not do well without adequate sleep.  So it goes I guess. Honestly my muscles are so sore from lack of rest that I think a really hot bath would help, however, my exhaustion level is so high I feel there is a pretty good chance I'd pull a Whitney Houston, so I just don't dare.  

Despite his refusal to sleep,  Eli is still mostly pleasant and enjoyable during the day, so at least I have a break from the tortured screaming during the daylight hours.  Enjoy the pictures,  not many this week.


He has screeched like this since he was a newborn. Its pretty funny.  Lately he's started to break out his pterodactyl routine in public to get adoration from strangers.  Its a pretty solid method.  Chics dig it.


I found this picture on my iPhone this week.

Where Sully goes, so goes the Chuey. 

 Sully is not too much into drawing yet.  Stick figure family members occasionally has been the extent of it.  But this is the first thing he saw fit to draw.  A truer Holio there never was, now he is insisting on going to ski school next year (most of his friends already go).  I guess its time to start saving money for gear and passes!

Here is a photo of Eli sleeping.  He probably woke up screaming 5 minutes later.

Hey Mr. Tambourine Man,  take a nap for me.  Please.  For the love of God. Please.


This thing he's chomping on may be the handiest device ever invented.  Its a little mesh bag on a rubber ring.  You stick chunks of food in there and then babies can knaw on it and not choke.  We didn't use one for Sully, all though I have no idea why?  Its great.  So far Eli has eaten grapes and banana (pictured).  Its really useful because it gives me a chance to eat my dinner and keep him happy between bites of barley mush.  I think tonight we'll try out some carrots and sweet potato.


In just a few weeks, we'll be registering Sully for kindergarten!  (how the F&$K did that happen?).  He's pretty anxious about it because he realizes this means he won't be going to preschool with Ms. Kara next year (and that would make anyone sad really). But this week we got to visit the school and I think Sully got pretty excited about the place, he's also pretty psyched about the idea of riding a school bus so I think he'll come around. 

We went to a presentation at the school about their dual immersion (Spanish/English) program.  I guess I always assumed I wanted Sully in this program, and I do really want him to be bilingual,  but honestly, Mike and I were just not sold on this program.  It seems like an amazing and crucial opportunity for the native Spanish speaking kids, but more of a risky endeavor for the native English speakers.  My particular hill to die on was the math part of program.  The children in the program (Half native English speaking half native Spanish speaking) spend 1/2 of the day learning exclusively in English and the other half exclusively in Spanish.  But the math portion of their education is in Spanish all the time.  I am just not comfortable with that.  I believe that Sully is inclined to think mathematically and its is imperative to us that he get a solid foundation in that area so he can excel later on.  I just don't think we can risk messing with that by having him learn the fundamental concepts in his non-native tongue?  That just seems too risky to me in too important of an area.  So, I guess we'll just think about other ways to introduce him to Spanish and to make sure he is accepting of other cultures (I kind of don't see the last part being a problem anyway he's pretty much an equal opportunity kind of kid).

Anyway, this turned out longer than I meant, but its literally the first down time I've had all week long and I'm milking it for all its worth,  even though Mike and Sully have both asked me what's for lunch about a dozen times in the past 10 minutes.  Back to the grind I suppose....

Over and out.

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