Monday, September 1, 2008

Day One: Get as far as possible while the boy sleeps

The first stop on our road trip? Calvin & Sarah’s birthday party! We wouldn’t have missed the party of the year for anything. Sarah turned 3 on Friday, and Calvin turned 1 on Thursday. We are going to miss all of the Idaho Family terribly and the party was a really nice time.

When the festivities concluded and after our trailer inspection from Mark, mandated by Big Daddy Solis, we were off. It had been raining for most of the day and it was getting cold. Sullivan, properly worn out from playing with his cousins crashed before we got back to the highway, so far so good!

Our last trip over Teton Pass did not disappoint. Fog, rain blowing horizontally, and just a few degrees above turning to snow. I will miss driving that insane road, in the best of conditions I felt like a bad ass in Grand Turismo and in the worst of times I was sure the end was near. Sufficed to say, our future commute will be much safer.

The rest of the night was unexceptional, dark, rainy, cold. We made it to Rock Springs at about 2 am, and passed out for the night.

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