Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yet another day at the Zoo

Yesterday we went to the zoo in Prospect Park. Its only 3 stops away on the train, I think it took 30 minutes to get there including the walk to the train station, if that long. Its a really cute zoo with a prairie dog exhibit, turtles, ducks, seals, meerkats, and lots of stuff for kids to climb on and play with. We took a ton of great pictures, including one of a great horned owl and one of a red tailed hawk, which is funny to me because those were two things I desperately wanted to photograph in Wyoming but never managed to get, go figure. I also truly enjoyed observing the city kids at the zoo that were scared of the llamas and that would bang loudly on the glass of the meerkat exhibit because the were sleeping and they wanted to wake them up. Again, this zoo is just another affirmation to me that we made the right choice moving here!After the zoo, we went to an old Dutch farmhouse for an apple festival, Julie worked the apple press and we all drank cider! Julie had never had cider, despite being a half Mainer? Scandalous! but we took care of that!

Look at the manhood on this thing!

Team Solis with the harbour seals

The cow mooing terrified, city girl Daisy!

Julie, working for her cider

Chasing the pigeons, click to enlarge, the kids faces are super cute

The desired effect!

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