Sunday, February 1, 2009

The end of the road trip

Hey everyone, we have been in California for about a week now, and I have just been too busy during the day and too lazy at night (I have been going to sleep at Sully's bedtime) to post the last of the pictures, so here they are. The last day of the trip was great, the weather was warm, the scenery glorious and the traffic light. We rolled into California to our ever serendipitous IPod playing Tupac & Dr. Dre's "California" and after our inspection for fruit or plants (weird?) we were in the home stretch. Things were slow going after that because goofy California has a 55 mph speed limit for trucks and cars with trailers. There was also this huge mountain range to conquer, but of course we did like the champions we are.

Casa de Sol, the mobile unit

You can actually see the edge of the crappy weather we avoided by going through New Mexico.


Ancient hieroglyphics conveniently located at a rest stop in southern Colorado

For reasons unknown, Sully started rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically.

New Mexico Sunset
Sully @ the Hotel in NM. He is watching a train go by. He really started noticing trains on this trip and Train is a new word for him.

New Mexico

So Pretty.

Me, starting to really want to stop driving.

We rolled down all the windows for Sully's amusement

You can see the Jeep & the Trailer's shadow.

California. Just over them thar hills.

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