Friday, March 13, 2009

Adventures in Gustation: Auntie Ella's Yummy Bagels

Today in the mail we received homemade spinach feta bagels from Ella, certainly a highlight of the week! They were so tasty and full of generous amounts of both ingredients, unlike most spinach feta bagels that leave me tragically disappointed.

Sully really liked them. After the first bite he gave us an "Oh Wow!" which is reserved for especially tasty new foods. Check out the video of Sully eating with both hands and doing his happy table kicking dance, but please note, about 40 seconds into it he gets a really weird look on his face and then says "Ewwww!" its not commentary on the bagel, its him realizing he has to make poopies, which he did, in the potty right after the video.


"please send more Auntie!"

These last few pictures are from the park, I am especially excited about the shirt and the hat, both recent thrift store finds!

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