Saturday, May 16, 2009

Team Rollans visits from Africa

Mark, Lisa & Calvin are visiting the States from Tanzania for a few weeks and we had our turn to see them over Mother's Day weekend.  Calvin & Sully are just 8 weeks apart and they are best friends, (Unless Calvin wants to play with something Sully has in which case Sully is not so friendly).  Mark & Lisa look great, and we loved hearing about their lives in Africa.  And we loved to find out that Lisa is pregnant!  she is due in the fall and we got to be there when they got the test results confirming that its a girl!   Calvin is such a gorgeous child and Mark & Lisa are really amazing parents, so we just could not be happier about their news.  

Enjoy the pics.

This is classic Calvin & Sully.  Sul is doing something weird as Calvin looks on in quiet observation.

Team Rollans & Grandma Santos

Getting them on the horses at the same time was a challenge

Chaos in the backyard.  After all the fun it looked like a bomb had exploded and the deck was covered in a layer of bubble solution.

Lauren makes the best goofy faces.

boys love trains

Wagon ride to the park, notice that there is no picture with everyone looking at once?

Cate & Calvin spinning in the office chair

Blurry, but you get the idea of what kind of madness goes down when the cousins get together

They are tv zombies

My 2nd favorite all-most 2 year old guy.  He is so sweet.

The Huntington Library

Mike had been wanting to go to the Huntington Library ever since we got here.  I wasn't entirely sure what the big deal was, but you know, I love a good library so I wasn't going to complain.  Well, as it turns out, the Huntingtons were California Railroad kings who had more money then God and built this amazing compound full with gorgeous grounds and an Art museum that has some pretty amazing stuff, like the Blue Boy painting.

So anyway, they offer the public a free day every month, so long as you reserve your spot way in advance.  ( I think Mike got us tickets for May, back in February).  It was a really spectacular place and we barley saw any of it. The temperature got up to 98 degrees, and I was pretty close to melting, so hopefully  the next time we go it will be in the dead of winter so I can be comfortable and not pass out from overheating.

Enjoy the pics, and here is a link to the library as well.

Also, I just realized there is no order to these pictures at all, oh well.
I love lizards

Bamboo forest

Keeping Sully from jumping the fence into the Zen garden was very un-zen for Jen.

The Zen Garden

Sully & the biggest Koi fish I have ever seen.

This house is not ostentatious at all.

I am staring off into space because I am literally melting in the 98 degree heat.

Medusa's severed head, located in the Children's Garden

Sully was really impressed with this kid's hat

Sully kept saying "Oh No!"  when he saw a statue missing limbs