Sunday, August 9, 2009


Okay, okay, here is another example of something I said I would never do, that turned out to be pretty fun after all.

Char & Mike wanted to do Disneyland for Cate's 6th birthday. I don't really like Disney movies, the over marketing of movie related products, the commercialism, and most importantly the message it seems to send (especially to girls). There are of course exceptions, Toy Story and Cars are both good movies with reasonable messages that I can get behind, but overall, Disney is not something I am into.

But Cate is my girl, and I wouldn't miss her birthday for the world. So with all the positive attitude I could muster, off we went, and low and behold: A great time was had by all.

Sully's mind was blown by meeting full sized Woody (whom he calls Guy) at lunch. He chased that poor guy around endlessly, and even tried to climb onto the stage during his show. Sully did great on the rides, which was surprising since the little baby rides at the mall fill him with terror.

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