Sunday, October 9, 2011

A walk in the park

String Lake, Grand Teton National Park is a favorite Team Solis spot.  Its close, its quick and its perfect for Sully to play at in the hot summer months because its shallow (meaning its not completely freezing) and there is always a ton of activity going on there.  We went there a lot over the summer when I was enormously pregnant because I could actually waddle around easily and get Sully the fresh air and exercise he (we) needed to get.

So it seemed a fitting locale for Eli's very first, post birth adventure in GTNP.  It was a cool but not cold day and the place was virtually abandoned, save an elder couple hiking around and a guy painting the fall colors.

With Eli being so small, we've been cooped up at home a bit and it was starting to wear on us.  This quick trip was exactly what we needed to clear our minds and relax a bit.

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