Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8 Weeks Old Today.

                                          1 Hour Old                                    8 Weeks Old!

For the record:  this has been a whirlwind.  Eli has been living amongst us for 8 unbelievably sweet, marvelous and tiring weeks.  It really is remarkable to watch babies grow in the first few weeks (and beyond of course).  They just grow and change and develop their personalities so rapidly. We're still adjusting to life as family of 4 and have accepted that this work in progress will progress until we're dead.  So be it,  we'll get some of it figured out!  

This is a pretty regular expression on Eli's face.

Eli is a great baby who is a lot of work.  Where Sully was mellow, easy going and happy, Eli is much more demanding and vocal about his annoyances.  We have to earn our smiles from Eli (and they are worth the effort) and we spend an awful lot of time trying to make him happy (also worth the effort).  The nice thing is that being our 2nd, we're much more relaxed about parenting him.  We know his needs are being met, we aren't completely flustered when he fusses.  Considering Sully literally only fussed a handful of times in his infancy (my goodness was he an easy going baby) I find it rather impressive that having a fussy, grumpy little man is not completely wigging me out.  

Speaking of Sully, can I mention again what a remarkable big brother he is?  We were expecting him to be good, but instead he's been amazing.  I know this will not last forever and there will come a day when I am asking myself what the hell went wrong but for now,  I'm just enjoying the love.  Sully earnestly tells strangers that his brother is "so cute" and constantly wants to kiss, hold or play with Eli.  We're still anticipating Sully's reaction when he gets his first laugh from Eli (so far smiles, but no laughter),  we know Sully is going to enjoy having an adoring audience who thinks his antics are as funny as he does.


Eli's latest favorite activity is standing up.  The exact thing happened when Sully was the same age.  He just hates laying down or being cradled-  he just wants to stand upright.  He's still working on his balance, but his strength is impressive.  He does a lot of squats with his massive, powerful lumberjack legs.  We're wondering if this means we will have another early walker?     

Being a member of Team Solis is a tiring experience for all involved

Well, that sums it up for now, life with two boys is even more amazing than we anticipated, even though we are most certainly tired beyond belief, every week being a sort of marathon to get it all done.  Of course, its all worth it.

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