Thursday, January 26, 2012


Winter finally arrived!  After an unbelievably cold and virtually snow free December we finally got some good snow last week.  The storm a was massive and lasted a number of days.  Living up on Snow King, amongst the lodge pole pines, we could hear lots of creaking and snapping and saw lots of spindely trees swaying and bending under the weight of all that snow.  One morning we awoke to find a tree bent over the road, blocking the street.  Mike was still able to get out to work, but the main part of the street was blocked.  Sully and I (with Eli riding in the Baby Bjorn) ventured out and tried to save the tree by brushing all of the snow off it.  We were able to get the tree up high enough that cars could pass under, but not high enough to save it. The property manager came along shortly after and cut the tree down, which I found very sad.

Later on in the week we took Sully out sledding which is always fun.  It was such a great day,  Snow King was full of skiers and boarders and it just felt like everyone in town was outside having a blast.  It felt so good to be outside and be warm (in a relative sort of way) and having a great time outside instead of just being cold and miserable as we all were in December.  

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