Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Week (and a half -ish) in the Life of the Solis Boys and Girl

We survived another week!

 Sully playing at the Children's Museum
 The blue eyed monsters

 Eli hates late afternoons.  He doesn't nap then (if only he would!) and I think he needs to, so he gets super grouchy around 3:30.  On this particular day,  after trying every conceivable thing to make him happy, I decided to stick him in the Bean Boat Tote and swing him around.  It worked.  This was the calm cuteness after his tote ride.

 Eli of many facial expressions

 Solis Boy goofiness and cuteness

 Eli's high chair arrived recently!  The Bumbo is gono-o- back from wence it came (Ebay that is).  We've recently gotten the green light to start solid foods, and although we're not rushing into just yet he does enjoy a spot of barley mush in the evening. 

I posted this picture on Facebook, and just wanted it preserved here too. Its just Eli wearing Sully's hat,  but doesn't his expression look just like Grammie Cushman?

The Week In Review:

Certainly another busy week around these parts,  all though not as bad as last week and not as bad as this upcoming week appears to be shaping up.  Third week of college algebra and I am surprised at my ability to do this goofy stuff successfully.  Mike has been left to fend for himself with the boys two nights a week while I am off at class.  Evenings are a challenge when all hands are on deck, so he's a brave man taking it all on.  By the time I get home the house is blissfully quiet-  if you know Mike- you know he doesn't really do quiet-there is always music and or news blaring- so that he is in need of some silence speaks volumes.

I quit Facebook this week,  it was a decision a long time coming.  I'm just too easily distracted and the concept of Facebook started to alarm me. (the timeline shows when I was born, moved, worked married, had children and will no doubt make note of when I die)  The news about the IPO this week sort of finalized my distaste in it.  I confess though, my mind is still wired define my experiences in witty status updates.  So it goes, weird times we live in.

Hopefully my Facebook free existence enables me to update this thing more regularly and in a more meaningful way.  Someday when the boys are old and trolling the internet to see our presence there, I think I'd rather them see this account, then the jumbled ADD world of my facebook page.  

over and out.

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