Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monkeys on our backs, Red Necks and our triumphant return to weekending in the park.

The road to our house is full of redneckery.

 Its that time of year again, the weekend when our shabby sheek, snobby ski town opens its doors (and cash registers) to the vast hoards of neon pleathered, beer chugging good ole boys and their big haired ladies, yep that's right, the world famous Jackson Hole Hill Climb.  This year's event sort of feels bigger than usual, but that just might be because our house is the closest to the action we've ever been (all though we've always lived in the extreme near vicinity).  Even though its a bit of an ordeal getting to and from our house, I think Mike and I have spent enough years in the Hole to recognize the event for what it is:  A chance to infuse a shit load of cash into our local economy at the beginning of the shoulder season, and a rite of passage into spring.  So godspeed, you slednecks!  Have at it!

In the warmer months we head up to Grand Teton National Park most weekends.  Nothing calms our minds more than even a half an hour up there.  And the fresh air,  well it is one of the only things we've found that is guaranteed to knock Sully out at bedtime.  This weekend they opened the park road to non motorized traffic, so up we went for the annual walk on the road.  It won't be long until we'll be hiking the trails and swimming in the lakes and soaking up the sun.....AND WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!


 He's going to climb that hill someday.

Sully & Eli's Back Yard


Monkey Number 2

Monkey Number 1


Early spring is just what the doctor ordered!!! We'll be playing outside if you need us!

And what would a blog post be without a video of Eli eating something else he shouldn't be eating yet?  May I present to you:  LIMES!

And finally, just a few cute shots from the week.

Beep. Beep.


Its true Eli, Strawberries are amazing.

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