Monday, May 14, 2012

Ninja Jen for the win

I know its not polite to brag,  but damn it, I earned this one.  I knew about a week into this course that it was going to be a loooooong difficult semester.  The course material was not that difficult but for me, the only way for me to get good at things like math, is to practice, practice, practice and it was extremely difficult to find the time to do that with everything that was going on.

Team Solis paid the price for this A too-  eating crappy foods (Hamburger Helper anyone?) and putting up with crabby Jen and a seriously disastrous house.  

I was pretty sure this A was not going to happen,  when I went in for my final I knew the material inside and out but for some reason when I put pencil to paper it just wasn't coming as easily as it should have.  I sat there working out logarithmic and exponential equations- things that I had down- over and over and not getting the right answer and it quickly overwhelmed me.  I left the class feeling extremely defeated and certain that all of my hard work and the Team's sacrifices were going to be wasted with a B or even (GASP) a C.  I haven't seen the graded final yet-  so I'm still not sure what the heck happened,  I'd even be willing to concede that this was a pity grade from my teacher.  But honestly- I feel like I earned an A.  I know this stuff and I had to drive myself to the brink of insanity to know it!  

I am going to now thoroughly enjoy my summer off and then get back at in in the fall with my kick ass academic scholarship.... Ninja Jen!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Mother's Day Hike to the Homestead of the Mama of Hard Core Jackson Ladies

 Today the boys treated me to one of my favorite breakfast treats: Eggs Tomavo (Think Eggs Benedict with avocado and tomato instead of ham) at Shades Cafe and then we went up to the park for a perfect, perfect, perfect easy little hike to the original homestead site of a Jackson Hole original, Geraldine Lucas.

Climbing the Grand at age 58.  She was the second woman to make it, all though at the time everyone (especially her) thought she was the first

If you have the time to follow the link above,  her story is a very interesting one, but sufficed to say she's a bit of an icon to me, so going to her homestead was something I'd been yearning to do since the moment I read that it still existed.

Sully and I having our own Geraldine Lucas moments

The first of what will undoubtedly bazillions of photos of Eli in front of the Tetons

 Wearing shorts to hike in snow is still a concept that amuses me, 16 years later. 

 Geraldine Lucas' front porch.  

 These were some things we found in the tool shed.  Fabian was an Agent of the Rockefellers who was in charge of acquiring land for the park.  Geraldine Lucas refused to sell to them.  After she died,  her son sold the property to another man, who then sold it to the Rockefellers.  Fabian,  then used the property as his summer home and office for 40 years-which seems pretty douchey if you ask me, but whatever- he left a bunch of cool stuff in his tool shed for me to admire, so I guess he wasn't all bad.  Among the treasures was a giant container of Wesson vegetable oil, which he may or may not have been using to run his genarator.  The side of the container promised that "frying vegetables in Wesson oil is not only delicious, but also adds nutrition to the food you eat"  who knew?

And here is why we do it.  GTNP air knocks these little balls of energy on their butts.  Early bedtime tonight! WOOT WOOT