Hipster Eli.... I think this was the last time I saw these glasses. Hmm.
Fire Fighting Solis Boys
Sunblock Hawk
Hybrid Hawk From the Raptor Center
Early Morning Niceness
So, most boys use legos to build planes and cars etc (and so does Sully)...but he also uses them to make Lego Hotels. Completes with elevators and front desks. The picture above is of a drain on the floor. Apparently a recent flood at Daddy's hotel that happened in the middle of the night, left an impression on him. He said that all hotels need drains on the floor for when the plumbers make the toilets overflow. (plumbers used faulty valves at Mike's hotel which caused the floods).
He's so cute I can't stand it.
All the above are pictures of our hike to Leigh Lake with our honorary little sister, Stephanie.
These were from an after work hike across snowking.
ELI being adorable. Its what he does. |
Fire Truck Day at Preschool. The little blonde girl is one of Sully's best friends. He's constantly telling us he wants to marry her.
Sully and Eli at Elk Fest, this deserves its own blog, hopefully I'll get around to writing it soon.
Chuey sticking his head out like all the other Holio dogs do.
Yeah Baby
Sigh, sigh sigh... those Solis boys are dreamy
Not sure why I look so pissed off, it was a magnificent hike.
Sink or Swim Traik.... AKA our backyard
Guess whose big enough to ride in the car cart?
We set up the tents to air them out. Then Eli screamed for a while.
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