Friday, October 24, 2008

Progress Report

So I realized that I have been neglecting to use this blog to provide updates on Sully's development, instead using it to highlight our adventures in the Big Apple, so I thought I'd take a minute, while the boys are napping to fill you all in on a few of his achievements.

Sully has a lot to say and we can understand some of it now! He uses a lot of words and he uses them well. He says "Bye" when we leave the room or when someone else leaves the room. He also says it to strangers that we pass on the street. He says "Hi Ya!" upon entering a room. He calls Mike "Dada" and "Daddy" and me "Mama" or "mommy" (he used to call me "Juda") He can say doggie, cat, cracker and shoe among other things. He will try to imitate most any word you throw at him.

His favorite word by far is "Car". when we go outside he points excitedly at the parked cars yelling Car! Car! as we pass each one. He also loves car commercials on TV and in magazines and books.

Our favorite word is "Bravo!" which he uses to celebrate any of his accomplishments.

He can identify lots of objects now, like his feet, his nose, the fish, the light and so on and on.

Sully is also getting into music. He does a funny little dance to music and he will listen to music on the Ipod with the head phones and laugh. He also seems to be singing out loud now. For example, on the subway, when he gets antsy, I sing "Yellow Submarine" to calm him down. He has a toy Yellow Submarine (and loves the movie) and now he plays with the toy and starts humming, and I'm telling you, its pretty close to the melody. He did the same thing this morning to a segment on Sesame Street.

He is still mostly easy going and fun loving, all though he has his difficult periods when he gets frustrated or wants whatever cousin Daisy has. He still has a ton of energy to burn and most days its fun to try to keep up with him.

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