Sunday, November 23, 2008

Election Day 2008

These pictures are pretty old, because thank goodness the election is well behind us and thank goodness the outcome was what it needed to be. As apathetic as I have become (thank you very much G.W.) I can't deny the fact that I am indeed, an incurable political junkie and this year, as hard as I tried not to, I binged hard on heavy doses of Fox (Hannity is such an A-hole), MSNBC (Olberman is such an A-hole) and CNN (Lou Dobbs needs to relax). So election day, being the political crack heads we are, we hit Election Plaza where we watched NBC news coverage on giant screens, interacted with people in donkey/elephant costumes and inspected the giant electoral map on the ice rink, then off to Times Square where CNN fed us free pretzels and coffee and Sully entertained strangers by yelling "Bama!" whenever he appeared on the screen.

There are also pictures here of FAO Schwartz, which I think we did the day before election day, but you know, whatever.... enjoy

I am flinching because there is a pigeon attacking my face

This one is for Harry, they are giant lego figures
I harbor a secret obsession with the film BIG
St. Patrick's Cathedral, where RFK's memorial was held

Mike Hearts Jim Cramer, in a totally heterosexual way

oh, the sweet sweet high of election day for a junkie.

Watching the giant TV screens

The Zamboni doesn't care if you live in a red or blue state

This lady was probably the only person in NYC supporting McCain. Too bad she was totally looney and yelling that Obama was going to "abort all the babies in America"

Sullivan hated the giant elephant and donkey

Look, this pretty talking head has a body!
mmm.... CNN pretzels

After watching the returns at home, Sullivan heard us celebrating Obama's victory and woke up just in time to fall asleep for our new President's acceptance speech. All joking aside, I am so thankful that Sullivan is going to grow up remembering Barack Obama as our president, and knowing next to nothing about George W Bush. The end of an Error is near my friends, you know I don't use this expression ever, but other phrases don't suffice : THANK GOD IN HEAVEN!

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