Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nebraska, Heaven in the midwest

Greetings from the middle of Nebraska. We are snug in our Hotel room, after hitting the Yellow Submarine/Octapus' Garden themed kiddie pool. (which Sully sang his version of the song: "we all, we all, we all" to).

We are in my version of what the sweet hereafter will look like. The weather got a lot warmer today, 50! and the big Western sky was a marvelous site, especially as the sun was setting.

We also learned today that you can play the Counting Crows song Omaha exactly 3.5 times while driving through said city. We also learned that when you sing that song 3.5 times in a row, the words cease making any sense: "In the middle of the night, an old man runs his toes through a bucket of rain?" Say what?!

Enjoy the pics.
Team Solis Out

This poor boy his holding up so well, despite long hours on the road.

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