Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Mighty Mississippi

We are snug in our Holiday Inn Express room, having our evening swim after a very productive day, we started off in Ohio and stopped in Iowa. We are literally right on the Mississippi River, back on the West side. I love this river, its so big and industrial and functional. I remember the first time I crossed it way back in '96, I couldn't believe how far west I was, like I was going to Mars or something. I was so goofy.

Sully is still holding up well, all though he is defiantly struggling to not get bored. We had a couple of tantrums today, both involving tearing him away from playing with cars (once in the hotel lobby's toy box and then later in Walmart). We dug out his matchbox cars and brought them to the room tonight so he could have as much, uninterrupted time playing cars as he wanted. He appreciated it. Now we get to crawl all over the place to collect them all, hope it pays off.

Team Solis out.

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