Monday, January 19, 2009

Why the Brooklyn U-haul sucks

The Brooklyn U-haul sucks ass.

So we started out early this morning but that additional time we planned for was swiftly chipped away by the inept U-haul employees. We rented the trailer at the same place we stored our belongings. The entire place is poorly run by people who seem to be proud of how rude they are. So after a frustrating morning of dealing with broken elevators, locked bathrooms, long lines and grouchy Puerto Ricans, we got the trailer loaded up and where on our way at a respectable 12 noon.

With the state line out of New York in sight, we heard and felt a shudder and Jen the eternally safe and alert driver quickly and smoothly moved off the interstate. What Jen saw from her vantage point was white pieces of pavement spraying from beneath the trailer. On my side I saw a shower of sparks and the tire from the trailer bounce by my window at eye level and then continue bouncing along the interstate, first crossing two lanes of traffic only to hit the barrier and bounce slowly and at times gracefully back across the two lanes of traffic to return about a hundred feet directly in front of us. What follows is proof that a team of monkeys are better suited to manage a u-haul emergency. After calling the emergency roadside assistance hotline supplied to me, I spoke to a few nice people until I finally spoke to someone who's responsibility it is to handle a U-haul emergency, specifically a fully loaded trailer sans wheel on NYC interstate. After I reported the emergency with the National office I was then called back by a U-haul - Brooklyn desk jockey. I struggled to hear or understand at times what this person was saying. Eventually I was called by 4 different towing companies and was told by three that I was not in there"territory". More then two hours later, the fourth tow man was Tommy, the lovable Jersey Guido, complete with neon windbreaker and gold chain, towed the disabled trailer all the way to Hackensack NJ to a U-haul repair facility. The first question from these U-haul representatives was "Is everyone OK?". I assured him no one was hurt in anyway and my son slept through the accident as well as the first 90 minutes we waited on the interstate to be towed. After the U-haul employees quickly transferred our contract we had to reload all of our neatly packed belongings into the new trailer, in a snow storm.

Miraculously, the reload completed, albeit not as neat and orderly as the first go round, we stopped at an old family style restaurant , full of folks straight out of the book of Jersey stereotypes and then were back on our way determined to get out of Jersey despite the snow storm, and that we did. So here we are in the Poconos of Pennsylvania, enjoying our warm room, and having enjoyed the indoor heated pool.

And now its time to sleep. Good night!

1 comment:

Lisa M said...

ew that doesn't sound like fun at all, I'm glad you guys are all safe and sound now and hopefully traveling with a much better trailer. Good luck on your next days trip