Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Holy Toledo

Greetings from Toledo, home of Klinger from M*A*S*H and I have no idea what else. No tires fell off the trailer today, but we did have one causality. Gritty the bear was left behind at the hotel in Pennsylvania. Not to worry though, the kind folks there will send him along to California for us. Team Solis leaves no man behind. OK, so actually we did, but we made it right in the end.

We geeked out on NPR Inauguration coverage on the road, but lost reception just before the actual swearing in, it came back towards the end of the speech, and as promised, I got all good and blubbery with patriotism rolling down the interstate. It didn't matter that we couldn't hear it happen since we have been imagining George Bush's last moments as president since January 20, 2001. What a day. Well done America, I must say, well done!

Tonight, we hit the pool, Sully's reward for being so awesome in the car all day. Tomorrow, its another long day as we continue our Western Re-Expansion.

Team Solis Out.

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