Friday, March 27, 2009

Parenting: We are equal parts awesome and bumbling

* Warning, this blog talks about poop*

So those of you out there may or may not know two things: 1.  We are potty training Sully and 2. We did the co-sleeping thing with Sully.

The Co-sleeping thing we took a lot of grief for, which frankly was annoying because it was born out of absolute necessity that most people have the good fortune to never understand.  When Sully finally came home from the NICU, he slept in his own crib because there were scary tubes and tanks of oxygen involved.  It was also summer and Sully is a furnace, too hot to sleep next to.  After a couple of months he was able to thrash around and use his arms and took to pulling out his nose canula, making his Oxygen level drop and his alarm go off 12-20 times a night, requiring me to get up and readjust his canula and then wait for his Oxygen levels to stabilize, this separate from the normal newborn feeding schedule.  So we moved him into bed with us and it became a lot easier for us to keep the Oxygen tubes in his nose.  I also started reading up on co-sleeping and discovered there were plenty of benefits far beyond my sanity.  Many studies show that children who co-sleep have a greater sense of self confidence and are more independent then kids who sleep alone. The thinking is that the child who co-sleeps knows that they have their parents support because the parent is there for them as they transition in and out of sleep all night, while a child who has to sleep alone has to rely on his/herself only to make these transitions, there is no one there to help them. Because the first child knows he/she has the support of the parents, he/she is more confident throughout the day. Of course the counter argument here is that the co-sleeping child becomes dependent on the parent to get through the night and doesn't learn to do it on their own... ever.  That was a concern and a source of doubt along the way, Sully didn't sleep through the night until well after his first birthday and there were plenty of days where I thought I was s-c-r-e-w-e-d.  But, Sully was and is a very confident little man, he is outgoing, he is brave, daring, he plays independently, he trusts us to introduce new foods, he plays well with others. He is quite simply a great kid.

The things I read said that kids would usually want their own bed on their own, and said that 3 was the average age (Yikes said I).  But we started noticing signs last month that he might be ready, and frankly, we were ready too.  So we got a little toddler bed and went to set up, expecting to hunker-down and have a rough week or more getting him to sleep on his own.  

Well, (and here finally is the part about us being awesome parents).  Sully wouldn't even  wait for me to get the sheets on it. He was so excited.  He climbed up, laid down and started fake snoring.  (hysterical.)   That night, he went right to sleep after stories and slept straight through until morning,  nap time was just as easy.  Sully is amazing no doubt, but damn it, we did a good job on that decision, he is so confident and secure in himself that transitioning to his own bed was not difficult at all.

And now on to the bumbling parent part.  So we are potty training Sully, even though most people I know wait much much longer to do it with their kids, and there is very little information out there for potty training this young.  Its going fine, I believe its going to take some time since he's so young, but I believe we will still be done well before most people even start, so its worth it.  Sully has mastered the morning pee, he usually holds it until we get him on to the potty.  He is aware of when he needs to go, he says "ewwwwwww" when then urge comes on....usually, not always though, a lot of the time Mike or I just see him getting the look and get him off to the potty.  Today however, we were off our game, big time.  4 poops today (yes four, and that is not unusual for clean colon boy) and we caught each one halfway out.  poop on the potty seat, poop on him, poop on me.  Disgusting.  Oh well, we'll just try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Calico, Ghost Town Extraordinaire

Team Solis hit the road today. Destination: Calico, California a former Silver and Ore Mine in the Mojave Desert. It was Hookey, it was touristy, it was...awesome!

Sully just about lost his mind with excitement when we arrived. As soon as we walked on to the little Main street, Sully began running from thing to thing, squealing and speaking gibberish excitedly. Then, he saw the train and it was all over. The train, a little 4 car mini thing that goes in a loop around the old mines was all he could think about. We tried and failed to get him to eat lunch, before riding the train, but he just kept standing up in his chair and yelling "ITS A TRAIN!!!" Riding the train really blew his mind, and sort of frightened him too, it must have just been too overwhelming.

We will defiantly do Calico again, it was like Jackson in off season with Palm Trees. Loved it. Enjoy the pics.

Even the asphalt was exciting to Sullivan.

The Pony Express

These pictures are of a house made of glass bottles.  Very cool.


Its Mike Rowe from TV's Dirty Jobs!

The sign of a good adventure.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Adventures in Gustation: Auntie Ella's Yummy Bagels

Today in the mail we received homemade spinach feta bagels from Ella, certainly a highlight of the week! They were so tasty and full of generous amounts of both ingredients, unlike most spinach feta bagels that leave me tragically disappointed.

Sully really liked them. After the first bite he gave us an "Oh Wow!" which is reserved for especially tasty new foods. Check out the video of Sully eating with both hands and doing his happy table kicking dance, but please note, about 40 seconds into it he gets a really weird look on his face and then says "Ewwww!" its not commentary on the bagel, its him realizing he has to make poopies, which he did, in the potty right after the video.


"please send more Auntie!"

These last few pictures are from the park, I am especially excited about the shirt and the hat, both recent thrift store finds!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Train

This started out innocently enough. Mike and I have been talking about getting Sully a wooden train set for his Birthday in June. They have one at the neighborhood Barnes and Noble that he has become absolutely obsessed with. You can be in any part of said store and if you put him down he will find his way to the train, as though he can smell it. Getting him to leave the train has become a nightmare, on one occasion he literally screamed his head off for the entire drive home.

Between working on taxes and studying for the college placement exams we are really busy so we thought it would be prudent to get Sully a little starter train set now so that he could play and we can use the time to get work done.

So we did and Sully stared lovingly at the box for the whole ride home. We set it up and he of course loved it. Then Mike's parents found a huge box of tracks and trains at an estate sale, and now, the little starter set is a giant one, with bridges and switches and trees and all sorts of other little pieces that my organized OCD brain has to keep track of. The train is all he thinks about, its the first thing he looks for in the morning, after nap, when we leave the house and return he starts saying "Train! Train! Train! as soon as the car stops.

And our plan for him to play independently while we work? total bust, the train is a family affair, he will drag each one of us to the train and then pull us down until we are sitting on the floor with him, sneaking away? not an option. Oh well.

He is running from one end of the track to the other

Escape is not an option!

Sit down Grandpa!