Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sully Turns 2!

Sully turned 2 on June 21st and we had a super fun day. The Grandparents, Char, Mike & the girls & Harry, came up, and Jeff & Ella came from New Mexico for the festivities. We all went to Hokey Ghost Town Heaven, Calico for some old west, train riding fun, then back to the house for the long fretted about Train Cake! Not only was it my first time decorating a cake, it was my first time making one from scratch. It was deelish (because it was pretty much all butter and sugar).

Sully had so much fun, I think it may have been the best day of his life. (so far). Enjoy the pics

Oh, yeah, I nailed it.

Jeff & Ella's gift of a super cool, Team Zissou like boat, was a hit, he still plays with it for like an hour a day, even weeks later. They also made him a really cool mobile, I can't figure out how to photograph it to do it justice, but he loves that too.

Calico, may be his favorite place on earth, and he was SO excited that everyone was there with him.

Riding the train, could he be any happier?

The big present! He calls it his "Cah"

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