Saturday, July 4, 2009

Naked Day

Sully may be spending more time potty training then any other child ever. But so it goes. He's a genius, I swear, so he'll get it. But a few weeks ago, I thought it would be a good idea to keep him naked all day so he could take a hint and figure out how his plumbing works. I think it helped, because he is more aware now, but the naked day was a funny thing all by itself. Here are some pictures of naked Sully checking the mail with Grampa.

Later that day, Mike was cleaning out the car, so we were all out front, one of the neighbor kids saw Sully naked and ran into his house to tell his 6 brothers and sisters about the naked kid, they all came out to check it out which seemed to please Sully, after a minute or so I heard the mom yelling for them to get back inside and I heard the littlest neighborhood kid yell "Mom! I saw the naked kid!"

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