Sunday, August 24, 2008

Epic Yard Sale = Epic Bust

Well folks, the economy is officially in the crapper, we had the world's worst yard sale this weekend. Despite copious amounts of quality merchandise at insane low prices we only earned about $200! People just weren't parting with any of their cash.

So it goes. The thrift store will be thrilled with the bounty of goods we abandonded outside of their door and we move on to phase II, packing our actual stuff.

Trailer gets picked up Wednesday, and knowing Mike and I, will be loaded by Thursday afternoon, giving us a few days to do absolutly nothing before hitting the road.

We intend to blog from the road, so stay tuned!

Team Solis out

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Photos from last weekend

Look Out, Mike & Harry are armed

Caleb the Cricket Whisperer

On Laura & Jim's deck

At Warbirds

Another Steller Picture of Jen

These were as good as they look

Cute Pictures of Sara at the pool


Thunder Storm

Sully, Playing in the Rain

Grampy & Grammie

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wrapping up the loose ends

Team Solis, June 1996 prior to embarking on the Wild West Adventure

Hi dear readers, I had a second to breathe and thought I'd do a quick post. We are quickly approaching the end of our Wild West Adventure. I have finally gotten past the constant weeping at random western things that I am going to miss. (Hawks, wildflowers, clouds, falling rocks, hail storms, deer darting in front of the car and so on)

I keep reminding myself of how I felt when leaving Maine in 1996. I was really excited to go, but sad to leave. I remember not knowing how on earth I was going to get by without the smells and sights of Maine. I did get by, really really well. I fell in love with this place the instant I first traveled Teton Pass in the back seat of Mark and Lisa's old bronco. I know its going to be the same in NYC and I am really looking forward to discovering wonders of a different kind in the city.

There is still so much to do before we go. Our last day of work is this Friday and I really want to leave my stuff in order for the sanity of my overworked co-workers. We still have to have our epic yard sale, pack our things, get the car serviced, find homes for the pets, get up to the park for one last day with the Tetons, meet with as many of our friends as we can.... oh, its going to be insane!

We had a nice visit with Mike's parents last weekend, I'll post pics tomorrow. Its always nice when they visit because everyone takes a break to spend a little time together. Mike's Mom made the most delicious strawberry shortcake for everyone. There was grasshopper catching, swimming, margaritas, a very nice time was had by all.
Publish Post
Okay, that's all for now. I must get back to the grind.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Splish Splash Sully

In the bath

Sully in the Sea of Cortez (aka: Mark & Lisa's Kiddie Pool)

Sully's 2nd trip to the ER

So Sully had his first trip to the ER this weekend. (Technically his 2nd trip if you include his insanely traumatic birth complete with helicopters, ventilators and blood transfusions, but besides that...)

We were at the grocery store, where he was pushing the cart, as he loves to do. He fell, hitting his front teeth on the metal bar. His teeth were pushed back and up into his gums. As you might imagine, there was quite a bit of blood involved. So off the ER we went, where Auntie Laura was his nurse. The doctor didn't think he did any permanent damage to the teeth, but its too early to tell. We'll have to take him to a pediatric dentist to be sure.

Sully, as always was a champ. Laughing and having fun shortly after. He has been having a rough time at night though so there hasn't been much sleep for team Solis.

So that sucked, but what can you do? He's cute even with his slanted teeth.

Fine Dining in Idaho

This is a baked potato garnished with Mashed Potatoes. Seriously, only in Idaho would one garnish a potato with more potato.

One of Sully's favorite things to do.

When we get home on weekdays, we usually go for a walk. We just let Sully go and we follow him. He almost always heads for the basketball courts, where the sprinklers leave giant puddles everywhere. He loves splashing and getting throughly soaked.

and this is just a sweet spider picture I took

Sully Loves Daisies

Adventures in Gustation: Thai Food

Last week we ate at Teton Thai, which is always a treat. Sully especially enjoyed his plate of noodles in oyster sauce, tofu and steamed veggies. Mike & I meanwhile must have drank a gallon of ice water each with our noodles, which was so hot yet sooooo delicious.