Friday, October 24, 2008

Progress Report

So I realized that I have been neglecting to use this blog to provide updates on Sully's development, instead using it to highlight our adventures in the Big Apple, so I thought I'd take a minute, while the boys are napping to fill you all in on a few of his achievements.

Sully has a lot to say and we can understand some of it now! He uses a lot of words and he uses them well. He says "Bye" when we leave the room or when someone else leaves the room. He also says it to strangers that we pass on the street. He says "Hi Ya!" upon entering a room. He calls Mike "Dada" and "Daddy" and me "Mama" or "mommy" (he used to call me "Juda") He can say doggie, cat, cracker and shoe among other things. He will try to imitate most any word you throw at him.

His favorite word by far is "Car". when we go outside he points excitedly at the parked cars yelling Car! Car! as we pass each one. He also loves car commercials on TV and in magazines and books.

Our favorite word is "Bravo!" which he uses to celebrate any of his accomplishments.

He can identify lots of objects now, like his feet, his nose, the fish, the light and so on and on.

Sully is also getting into music. He does a funny little dance to music and he will listen to music on the Ipod with the head phones and laugh. He also seems to be singing out loud now. For example, on the subway, when he gets antsy, I sing "Yellow Submarine" to calm him down. He has a toy Yellow Submarine (and loves the movie) and now he plays with the toy and starts humming, and I'm telling you, its pretty close to the melody. He did the same thing this morning to a segment on Sesame Street.

He is still mostly easy going and fun loving, all though he has his difficult periods when he gets frustrated or wants whatever cousin Daisy has. He still has a ton of energy to burn and most days its fun to try to keep up with him.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A walk on the East side

Today we wandered around the East Side of Manhattan, which we have thus far neglected to explore. We let Sully run around in some of the big open plaza areas of the big bank buildings where corporate art and random water fountains abound. Then we wandered up Park Avenue to visit the church where my grandparents were married in 1945. The church is over 175 years old and it is big, massive and very ornate. It is also official the church I have been inside the most, this being my 2ND time through its giant, original carved wooden doors. Its pretty unusual to find me inside a church, but I must admit, I love this one.

After the church we had a little lunch and wandered back to the train, stopping at a 3 story candy store, a flower market, past a half a dozen dogs tied to some dog walkers front door, some marvelous architectural achievements and lots and lots of fabulously dressed people texting furiously while walking flawlessly through crowds and traffic.

Then, in the subway there was a pretty girl posing as a manikin, very convincingly I might add. Mike took pictures and she gave him a little heart that said "Peace in your Heart" while I enjoyed observing the massive crowd that had gathered to watch. There seemed to be equal amounts of awe and dismay at this woman's unique talent to look like a beautiful piece of plastic. You have to admire her audacity none the less.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dispatches from Abroad

Team Rollans Reporting
Team Captain Mark apologized for the delay in reporting, Captain Rollans explained the delay was due to the fact that he was out of range for his Cell phone, Email &, Electricity.
The Rollans team successfully reached their destination, the Tides Lodge, Tanzania. Priority one for the Rollans team is learning to communicate in the local language, Swahili. It is expected that New Team Rollans Recruit Calvin will quickly learn the language and enhance his growing language skills.

Team Solis wishes the best of luck to team Rollans!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sully's Sense of Humor

Sully is a child who laughs a lot. He has a wonderful laugh that is loud, from the belly and has the ability to make crabby old men on the subway smile. Everywhere he goes, people fall in love with his laugh and he feeds off of it, giving anyone who responds to his laughter, more and more of it. He laughs when we laugh, he laughs on his own, he laughs when he's running, when he's sitting still and sometimes when he sleeps. We wake up to his laughter and we end the day with it. Its the best possible scenario and we could not have hoped for a more joy filled child. Its magic.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Brooklyn Heights

Today we went to Brooklyn Heights, a gorgeous historic neighborhood once inhabited by George Washington, Walt Whitman and Truman Capote among others. There were amazing views of Manhattan. There were pigeons galore and fun was had by all.

Sully's first official goofy face photo!

Looks Like Lego Land

Daisy & Sully heart twisty slides

Chilly day in the park

These photos are from last week, I forgot about them, but they were too cute not to post.

Sullivan is auditioning for a part on SOUTH PARK in that hat.

Note the reflection of Sully's face in the slide.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Autumn in New York...

Feel free to put the Billie Holiday Record on as you peruse these pics from our glorious day in the greatest park ever created by mankind.

Our Baby New Yorker

There is actually a pretty funny story behind our trip to Strawberry Fields. We'd been there before, years ago but really wanted to go back because its such a special place and because Sully had never been. (for those of you who don't know what this place is, its an area of Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon and his desire to have peace on earth. After his murder, Yoko had this section of the park renovated and a memorial to John Lennon was created where dirty smelly hippies have been laying flowers ever since) Today was our 3rd attempt at finding it, because Central Park is a wonderful maze of meandering paths that make no sense and there are no maps or signs anywhere, plenty of landmarks and other navigational tools, sure, but not for novices like us. So today we set out certain we would find it, and sure enough, it was easy as pie, especially if you get off the subway directly across the street...

This rock was deposited during the last Ice Age and hasn't moved since, it sits on a bed of lava. naturally, Sully thought it was the perfect object to run around at full speed.

The Accordion Player played Old McDonald's Farm, to Sully's delight

This was a weeping willow that we drove Sully's stroller into. When Mike backed Sully out, he waved at me and said "Bye!"

The Dakota building, John & Yoko's love shack.