Friday, January 16, 2009

Team Solis Epic Road Trip: The Sequel

Team Solis' New York City adventure is nearing its conclusion, the job situation is just too hopeless. So like the Hillbillies and the Joads before us, we are packing up the jalopy and setting our sights on Californ-i-a, where the prospects are sunnier and more fruitful (both in a literal and a figurative sense).

We debated and pondered the idea of a return to the mountains, but neither of us have the heart to make that work. There is just not enough to stimulate the brain of our budding super genius and we feel like we have done all there is to do job-wise. Mike is excited that Sully will get to do some of the things he enjoyed doing as a kid. I am excited to be warm.

We head out on Monday, so we can celebrate Daisy's big 2 day (why we always leave town the day after a cousins birthday is a mystery).

I am really going to miss NYC. Its an amazing place and I was truly looking forward to getting very old here. Its full of remarkable people (like those who helped in yesterdays plane crash), and amazing sights. I am forever changed and forever glad that I got to call this place home, if even for just a few short months. I hope everyone who dreamed about visiting us here still follows through and comes here, you will never regret a trip to NYC. And of course you will all be welcomed to visit us in LaLa land, sunshine, movie stars, strip malls, urban sprawl.... uh oh, there I go.

Team Solis as always will make the most of it and love every second of our crazy adventures.

Team Solis out.


Lisa M said...

Sweet are you guys going to be driving through SLC??? If you are let me know I'll plan a trip down or something, good luck on your trip wish NYC worked out for you but I'm sure Cali will bring many good things to your families life, im glad your not moving here the job market is extremely sprass right now and everything else is all jacked up as well but i do miss you guys a ton!

Melissa Hatch said...

Keep us updated with pictures while you make your travel :] Aj and I will come visit you guys in warm,sunny Cali when you get all settled in. Good luck,travel safe and have a great road trip! Miss you guys lots too! :]