Friday, February 13, 2009

Sullivan's Vocabulary

Sully is now on the verge of another vocabulary explosion, (we can tell because before he learns a bunch of new words, he starts vocalizing new sounds and expressions, very loudly, all day long) so we thought we would take a moment and list the words he uses now so we can look back later and be impressed by what a genius boy he is.  The way he pronounces it is listed with the translation in ( )

  • Hi & Hi ya!
  • Bye
  • Car (he still says it like a Mainer)
  • Tain (train)
  • Haw (Hot)
  • Na Haw (not hot)
  • Appie (apple)
  • Naana (banana)
  • ogur (yogurt)
  • Ma! (more)
  • chew  (cheers)
  • Ams uh (arms up!)
  • Key
  • go!
  • Haws (hugs)
  • Tee (tree)
  • Ba (ball)
  • Ligh (Light)
  • Mommy
  • Dada
  • Pee Pee
  • Poo poo
  • Bobby (potty)
  • No
  • Brava! (Bravo)
  • Bama (Obama)
  • Dee Doo (Thank You)
  • Beep Beep
  • aw daw (all done)
  • Kitty/kitty cat
  • doggie
  • Esh (fish)
  • Shoe
  • Oh Wow! /Oh Whoa!
  • Crackie (Cracker)
  • Bebe (baby)
  • onn, doo (one, two)
  • Weeall (as in "we all live in a yellow submarine, his favorite song)
  • Diggy (Digger, his favorite book)
  • bagup!  (this is brand new, it may be an attempt at Grandpa! )
  • Brilla (no idea what it means)
  • Nanu (no idea)

I am sure there are more, but this is a pretty good list.  

Best Toy Ever

We have been wanting to get him a loop for his matchbox cars for  a long time, but supposedly its for older kids, probably because most kids Sully's age are rougher on their toys.  Sully however has a lot of pride in his cars and will play with them for hours.

Enjoy the video, and Sully's happy dance.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our very California Day.

Today we went to the Claremont Botanical Garden. Its basically a nature trail with plants and trees identified for you, which is good for me. Sully enjoyed it more then we thought he would, we figured he would enjoy just being outside and being able to run around, but he was actually looking at trees and cactus. He especially loves Palm Trees.

Afterwards we went into Claremont for lunch. Claremont is a college town, its also the town where Mike grew up, anyway, so its full of hippies and young people who like to eat organic food and have acupuncture and drink colon cleansing juice drinks made of dandylion greens, beet juice and who knows what else. There were quite a few amusing people that we saw, but the best was a kid, maybe nine or ten years old. He was balancing his body, lenghwise on a metal rail that went up some stairs. Mike and I were sitting in the car with the windows down and were watching the kid, thinking, this kid is pretty weird, but he's got mad balancing skills. After a while, his Mom came out of the holistic shop were she was presumably buying voodoo crystals and mojo mixings and said to the kid "what are you doing?" his answer? "I'm Meditating" Only in California.

He discovered his shadow during the road trip and has become obsessed with it.

This was my lunch, I am becoming one of them. Next thing you know I will be wearing leggings and saying "like fer sure."

He would not get out of this thing the whole time we were at the park, he pretened it was a car.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Launching the Great Photo Project

Hey fans, just wanted to invite you all to check out our second blog: THE GREAT PHOTO PROJECT. I have been entrusted with all the family photos and given the task of digitizing well over a hundred years of Cushman/Bone/Buckley/Harrison images. We have started scanning these photos and will be posting some of our favorites, along with some of the history behind them (when I know it anyway).

I posted a link on the right side of the blog as well as one below. Check it out!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

California, an 85 degree day in February

Today I successfully navigated the freeway system to the San Bernardino County Museum. The weather got into the mid 80's, which is sort of insane to me, but you don't hear me complaining. Sully enjoyed the museum, which has an old Union Pacific Train at it. (Trains are becoming the new Car to Sul.) They also had a lot of stuffed and mounted mammal exhibits which, to our surprise, Sully loved. He kept running to each one going "Oh Wow!". There is also an outdoor desert garden, full of cacti, which Sully really wanted to touch, despite my warnings not to. When I told him "don't touch" he would look up and ask "hot?" which apparently, in his mind is the only reason not to touch something. I spent most of the time in the garden chasing him. He managed to touch one plant, and luckily for him I was able to pull the prickly spikes without tweezers.
poaching some yard fruit

We are so proud.

Oh Wow!

Mainers & Palm Trees.

making a break for it.

California, a 70 degree January afternoon.

Lauren and Cate are teaching Sully about mud.
Gorgeous children

Mike's Grandma calls the girls "Las Chivitas" or little goats, because they are always climbing everything.

Sully and his Grandma & Great Grandma Solis

Char playing with boy's toys

outside in a t-shirt in January.

Sully doing something crazy

Lauren, also doing something crazy

Lauren making a great goofy face

Sully, hiding in Grandma's cupboard.

The end of the road trip

Hey everyone, we have been in California for about a week now, and I have just been too busy during the day and too lazy at night (I have been going to sleep at Sully's bedtime) to post the last of the pictures, so here they are. The last day of the trip was great, the weather was warm, the scenery glorious and the traffic light. We rolled into California to our ever serendipitous IPod playing Tupac & Dr. Dre's "California" and after our inspection for fruit or plants (weird?) we were in the home stretch. Things were slow going after that because goofy California has a 55 mph speed limit for trucks and cars with trailers. There was also this huge mountain range to conquer, but of course we did like the champions we are.

Casa de Sol, the mobile unit

You can actually see the edge of the crappy weather we avoided by going through New Mexico.


Ancient hieroglyphics conveniently located at a rest stop in southern Colorado

For reasons unknown, Sully started rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically.

New Mexico Sunset
Sully @ the Hotel in NM. He is watching a train go by. He really started noticing trains on this trip and Train is a new word for him.

New Mexico

So Pretty.

Me, starting to really want to stop driving.

We rolled down all the windows for Sully's amusement

You can see the Jeep & the Trailer's shadow.

California. Just over them thar hills.